Sunday, September 02, 2007

Perfectly Tired

Today was lovely.
Today, the weather was flawless,
The sky was an impossible perfection of blue
The air was cool and breezy
The ideal September day.
Today old friends who are family joined us at the farm
There was laughter, and wandering, and wine.
If you're lucky, you'll know what I mean when I say they are cousins,
Though not by blood or marriage.
Family of the favorite sort, the ones you choose.
If you’re lucky, you have some cousins like these
As part of your family clan.
There was grape-picking, and wine-planning,
Home-made elderberry cordial,
And brand new baby fluffballs running after a mother hen.
Today was the sweet crunch of the first apple of the season
And the knowing it will be the sweetest one
‘Cause the first is always the best.
Today there were words of encouragement
Of wisdom
Of remembrance.
Today there was a night-time starlit drive
With sister in the ’49 convertible,
Through fields down hills and back again,
Struggling with that impossible clutch
That loves to pop out of first,
And clings a little too tightly to second.
And I am Si Ma Tai tired.
If you don’t know what that means,
Or want to see behind that link,
Mail me
And I’ll let you peek.
But now I am going
To go find my bed
And my cats
And if all goes well
Some nearly perfect dreams.